Handy Pak Net Co.

"The Original Collapsible Landing Net Since 1955"

I have a half dozen trout nets, some handmade works of art. But time and again, it's my plain, vanilla Handy Pak net that I grab when heading out on a fishing trip. It does duty on my wader belt, is out of the way, but right there when I need it. Thanks for a neat product.
~ Bill A., SW Missouri Ozarks
I have owned a Handy Pak Net for many years. Glad to see the Handy Pak Net is back!
~ Doug in Canada, a licensed guide and registered prospector
My wife was given a Handy Pak Net 55 years ago, now I will have my own. Thanks for keeping a unique fishing product alive.
~ Tom in NH
We have bought Handy Pak Nets years ago and are glad to see you resumed production of them.
~ Yutaka in Japan
I have used your net since about 1985 and it is so nice. I still meet fishermen that have never seen it nor heard about it here in Norway. I look forward to see the wooden handle - have not seen it before.
~ Leif in Norway
I really like the Handy Pak Net. I was able to try it out in early December at steelhead alley....I'm going every year!
~ Harry in Switzerland
I have been using the Handy Pak Net for the past 30 years. I have purchased at least seven of these nets for myself, family and friends. Since my wife and I fish brushy mountain streams, this type of net has added much quality to our trout fishing. Although seemingly a bit delicate, I have landed my share of "lunkers" without fail. I congratulate you for continuing with this great American product.
~ Don in Pennsylvania
I have had one of your nets since I was 17 and I am now 49. The handle broke last weekend on a fishing trip. I was so excited to see that you are still in business and I can have my Handy Pak net back! Thank you very much! I will be ordering more in the future for gifts.
~ Troy W. in Kansas
I have owned a Handy net since 1970 and I'm proud of it! Now I need a modern replacement net plus a Vintage Handle;I loved the wood handle but in the'70 the cost was too much for me.I was looking for your top net with teak handle. Thanks for continuing to make this fantastic products and best regards
~ Roberto C. in Italy
Best net for hiking, this net is the third replacement of this style of net I have had over the years. I had no complaints on any of them, they simply wore out with heavy use and large fish. I have tried many different nets over the years but if I am traveling through woods to get to a fishing spot or am backpacking and fishing at the same time, this net can't be beat. It's tough, it doesn't take up a lot of space or weigh you down, it doesn't catch on brush, it deploys easily and it's flexible to conform to shallow streambed edges on the fast flowing rivers and creeks I normally fish. It will easily handle larger fish (I have landed 4lb brook trout and grilse (smaller Atlantic salmon) with these nets, larger salmon we tail by hand. Because the hoop is flexible it wraps the net securely over the fish minimizing any injury potential for catch and release fishing.
~ in Canada
Andrew, Received my new ghost net today and it is a work of art. I have been using the handypak since the early 70's and was so happy that you resurrected the company.
~ Walt B. in Pennsylvania
It is a pleasure that the landing net to fly fishing you produced is unrivaled. I personally used it for a lifetime, is unbeatable, very practical and always ready for the final capture of fish difficult, do not worry even in Italy many fly fishermen release the fish.My desire is the replacement net - Deep Catch & release, I take this opportunity to extend best regards to all the staff.Greetings from Italy.
~ Michele in Italy
I just wanted you folks to know that my Dad carried the first of your nets I ever saw as far back as I can remember (circa late 1970’s). Dad bought me one of your nets in the early 80’s. I fished for trout in VA and WV with him into my mid twenties.and then he became ill and we stopped. He has since passed on, and I got deeply involved in the world of outdoor TV (mainly hunting). This past year I decided to do a bit of trout fishing (it had been close to 20 years since I quit). Heading out to old familiar waters with my handle taped up handypak net in tow. I realized I had forgotten how much I enjoyed trout fishing and the solitude of the streams. Standing there in the middle of the Bull Pasture River with your net on my hip, I was carried back to days long past. Sweet memories of things of youth combined with future plans, and thoughts of life in general flooded my mind. I was happy to find you still in business. I ordered a spare net and a new wooden handle today to replace my cracked plastic one. Thanks for standing the test of time. I understand better than most how difficult it can be to stand strong in the outdoor industry for decades. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks and keep on keeping on. All my best to you folks!
~ Max Rowe / Executive Producer
Just Kill'n Time TV
I just ordered a replacement for my father's Handy Pak Net. My father, uncle and myself all received them as Christmas gifts around 1990ish, when I was about 10 years old. We all still use the nets on every brook trout fishing trip. The only reason he needed a replacement was because a mouse ate a hole in the net over the winter. I was pleased to find that replacements are still available.
Thank you for making a quality product,
Scott M. in Michigan
Hi Guys,
I ordered one of your nets not long ago and have done a review (along with a Fishpond net)
on my blog - http://www.twigwater.com/nothing-but-net/
It's a great thing this net - very cool.
David Anderson in Australia
Hello. I am getting ready for the opening of trout season here in WI. This morning I was going through my gear and sure enough right were I stored it there was my Handy Pak net. I bought it around 1975 to the best of my memory. I canoe a lot and it works very well during these outings. For whatever reason I decided to google and see if they were still made. Wow your story showed up on my screen. I am 66 yrs. old now and plan to use my handypak again this weekend and for years to come. Its good to see some things that work well are still around. Thought you might want to know. Thanks for listening.
Larry S. in Wisconsin
Greetings from Italy
My uncle bought a Handy Pak at least 40 years ago...now he's given it to
me and it still works perfectly.
Good products, my compliments.
Best Regards
Paolo D. Italy